Saturday, May 5, 2007 A lawsuit filed by a former employee of Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children (now Sunrise Children’s Services) and four other tax-payers, has shed light on the possibility of religious coercion by the organization. The lawsuit challenges the faith-based agency’s eligibility for state funds. Specifically, interviews of
April 6, 2005 In another first for the NASA-led space telescope mission calledSwift, five months into its mission it measured the distance to twogamma-ray bursts (GRB), back to back, from opposite parts of the sky.The GRB’s are over nine billion light years away from the Earth. The measurements were obtained
Saturday, February 14, 2009 Philippine fishermen, volunteers and authorities with dozens of fishing boats have joined hands in guiding back to sea about 500 disorientated melon-headed whales that were stranded in the shallow waters near the mouth of Manila Bay delta in the Bataan Peninsula. The gentle mammals were first
? May 31, 2010 June 2, 2010 ? June 1 Pages in category “June 1, 2010”