A Fortnight To List Building


A Fortnight To List Building

Submitted by: Tellman H. Knudson

I get a message from the Universe every day. Do you?

You should.

Seven days a week.

Today, my message reminded me that I don’t blink without help from the Universe. I mean, I didn’t make a million plus last year. I didn’t have a company or employees. I didn’t have my son. Everything I have been and have done was because I told the Universe that I wanted it to happen.

In Star Wars, they call it “The Force.”

But whatever it is, if you think it’s God, Buddha, Yahweh, or Mohammad, you have to let the Universe know what it is that you want, and guess what? The Universe sees to it that you get it.

Now, I’m not raving here. My messages come from Tut’s Adventurer’s Club at http://tut.com/ , and you can get these messages, too. You just need to sign up for “Notes from the Universe,” which are very inspiring. However, what those notes say are very often so true that we just don’t see it.


Here’s the wisdom of today’s message: You have to know what you want before you can have it, and it applies to List Building and everything else in life. If you have a dream, it won’t be a dream, if you don’t take action. Taking action is the single, most important, part of being and doing what you want in life. You can have all the education in the world. You can have all the contacts in the world. But unless you sit down and actually DO something, nothing happens.

How does this apply to Internet Marketing? Well… Here’s your list building checklist, and if you only do one thing every day, you’ll be finished in 14 days! Just DO it:

1) Decide what you like to do and if it’s a good niche for list building and Internet marketing around. You may have to live with it a long time, so be sure it’s something that interests you.

2) Research keywords to see whether the niche is popular.

3) If at least 10,000 people searched for the main keyword in

your niche, then move to step 4. If there were less, go back to step 1.

4) Make a long list of all the keywords you can think of that surround the niche you’ll be list building around and research them.

5) Choose three to five of the words or phrases your list. One from the most searched terms, one from the middle, and one hear the end. Disregard the highest search volume terms and the lowest.

6) Write a killer headline. Use software like Headline Creator Pro, if need be, but make it really powerful and enticing, and use as many of the keywords as possible. Just be sure the headline also sounds natural.

7) Write down all the benefits of joining your list that you can think of. What will you do for the group that you’re list building around? What’s in it for them?

8) Choose three to five of the best benefits, and create bullet points. Try to use the keywords you selected in step 5.

9) Set up an autoresponder account with AWeber, or another service.

10) Create four messages that you can send to the people you’re list building around. Give them a lot of content.

11) Go to ClickBank, and find four products that are pertinent to your niche. Buy them and try them.

12) Create a list building page, using the headline and 3-5 bullet points.

13) Generate and add the opt-in box code to the HTML, where you want it to appear on the page

14) Upload the list building page to your server and send traffic to it.

That’s all you have to do. You can add a report as an ethical bribe for getting people onto your list. You can make the best looking list building page in Internet marketing history. But that’s all there is to it. You can do these things and move forward with your Internet marketing business or you can fail.

It’s up to you.

About the Author: Internet marketing expert Tellman Knudson is a master list builder and CEO of Overcome Everything, Inc. Learn his step-by-step strategies for building a massive list by visiting

My First List.com

at http://www.myfirslist.com/



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