Submitted by: Masszymes
Let us ferry first to the Tropics for basic build up and bodybuilding nutrition. You are sitting in the middle of 45,000 acres of jungle woodland, littered with teeming plant life, perhaps a multitude of shimmering pot-herbs, vile ivy-like creeping albizzas, exotic magic mushrooms waiting to be evacuated and robust pomegranates, Umeboshi plums twinkling with decadent aroma. How to discover and arrange permutations of this bounty for healthy muscle gain, a life-time of freaky big muscles plus most importantly, a top of the feeling balance of the mind? How is this the business of the conscious grocery picker in Manitoba?
In the following sections, we will be having a 3 step-by-step discussion of how to catch the wind in your diet, put on fine and calming nerves during your workouts, produce terrific anti-bodies and maintain a healthy balance of body P.H.
The first step would be to set apart the functional qualities in say your vegan diet from its mere nutritional value. This is to isolate in your diet functions which server more than a mere supply of the basic ingredients of what you need to efficiently drive your metabolism. To include functional foods in your diet would mean to include foods that target specific functions in the body.
A functional food may also be one from which components have been removed, such as harmful saturated fatty acids. For instance, beneficial organic compounds produced almost exclusively by members of the Leguminosae (bean) family can now be extracted from Soya and added to products designed to help reduce osteoporosis (a bone disease) and as well promote cardiovascular health.
Same for some commercially produced extracts of garlic bulb which specifically promotes the build up of healthy fats and promotes circulation of blood to the muscles and the brain. Also, some specialty teas such as roobios (Aspalathus Linearis) and honeybush (Cyclopia Intermedia), two tea species widely grown in South Africa are rich in antioxidant flavonoids-substances which boost immunity to allergies, viruses and cancer.
Put in a more straightforward manner, in a single meal of periwinkles ( a miniature kind of clam) gathered from the littoral waters of the Atlantic coasts of West Africa, one could crave its meaty juice for their rich protein content while adoring the chitin enriching flakes made from the shell. Chitin specifically enhances muscular agility and superb nervous co-ordination so that you can fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee and prance with the awesome lithe agility of a Manx cat. Well, the meaty juice of the periwinkle, all good for the packs but the chitin richness of the shell, good for those exclusive Harta Yoga stunts.
The second step would be to access the psycho-pharmacological value of your diet, which also serves different purposes other than the functional value of your diet. Staying in a strong capable body also involves cultivating stable and balanced mental and emotional environments.
The Ayurverdic nutritionist tradition of the Indian civilization holds that food beyond supplying you with the calories, vitamins and proteins, should enhance your bouyant humors states of well being. Your buoyant humors would reflect in your sense of timing during a workout, how effortlessly you are able to satisfy the mental demands of physical exercises, a state of relaxation as you relate with your partner(s) and the exuberance of the emotional colors or vibrations you exude during these moments.
In the Ayurverdic nutritionist tradition of Indian Civilization, vegetarian diets like that of the Soma plant supply you with the “Tapas”: motivating immeasurable bouts of energy that allow you to accomplish your tasks while at the same time giving you etheogenous radiance.
The third and final step we will be discussing as so to do with incorporating some degree of body PH measurement into your diet. The basic head on this has to do with shifting your body’s PH towards the Alkaline. The PH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers ranging from 0 to 7 acidic (low in oxygen) and numbers above 7 and through to 14 alkaline. Acidic bodies are sickness magnets.
While there are no strict rules as to combining acidic foods and alkaline foods, it is advisable that a great percentage of the food one consumes should come from the alkalines. I will run a cute list of some acidic and alkaline foods though it is by no means exhaustive.
Alkalizing Vegetables: Alfalfa, barley grass, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard greens, chlorella, collard greens, egg plant.
Acidic Vegetables: Corn, lentils, olives, winter squash.
Alkalizing Fruits: Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, blackberries, cantaloupe, dried dates.
Acidic Fruits: Cranberries, currant, blueberries, canned or glazed fruit
Alkalizing Proteins: Almonds, chestnuts, millet, tempeh (fermented), Tofu (fermented).
Acidic Proteins:Bacon, beef, carp, clams, cod, fish, haddock, lamb, lobster.
Bodybuilding nutrition such as getting a correct proportion of alkaline foods that suits your body’s needs is important to maintaining a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle. So remember, arrange your diet for a super combo mix of functionality, psycho-pharmacological values and a healthy PH balance.
Copyright 2008, Masszymes Inc. All rights reserved.
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