Submitted by: Princess Cruz
Excuses, Excuses
“I am not obese, I’m Just too Short. I should be 7’10” tall.”
“I have a thyroid problem and this is why I am overweight.”
“I am stressed, bored, unhappy, and it causes me to gain weight.”
“I am depressed and I eat all the time to feel better.”
If you are over your ideal body weight, have you used some of these excuses to justify being overweight?
Just 30 Pounds
Did you realize that just 30 pounds over your ideal body weight constitutes obesity? Most of the American populace is at least 30 pounds over their ideal weight range. Any more pounds and you are considered morbidly obese.
As you age, you will find it becomes harder for your body to let go of these extra pounds and especially if you start on a diet. If you need and desire to lose weight never go on any of the over 200 fad diets on the marketplace today. While a diet, if you stick with it, helps you lose the extra pounds 10:1 you are going to regain all the pounds you lost and sometimes more.
In a nutshell, losing excess pounds involves much more than a diet. Diets are not for the majority of people unless your doctor prescribes a therapeutic diet due to conditions like diabetes or celiac disease.
The Miracle of Lifestyle Changes
What truly works to help you lose weight is a lifestyle change implementing natural and noninvasive approaches that keep you on a path towards health and fitness for the rest of your life. Lifestyle changes are a forever change for the good of your health. Everyone responds differently to weight loss recommendations. Some people lose weight quicker and easier than other people. Never measure your weight loss progress against someone else.
Weight Loss Help is on the Way
A licensed and knowledgeable doctor in the weight loss field will help you gain a better outlook, lose weight, and become healthier and fit. A professional in the field of weight loss offers an amazing support system just when you need it the most. A licensed doctor for weight loss who embraces natural approaches to a healthy weight and fitness may do the following.
– Review your health history and underlying problems contributing to obesity
– Avoid harsh diet products and formulas
– Devise an individualized meal and exercise plan
– Seek support during your weight loss journey
– Set realistic weight loss goals
– Select only nutritious foods
– Detoxify your body
– Consider nutritional supplement
– Avoid food allergens
– Never starve yourself for the sake of losing a few pounds; this puts the body on an alert that is not okay for you or your cause
– Seek the services of doctors trained and knowledgeable in the field of weight loss advances, naturally
– Educated yourself in what to eat, how much, and how often
– When you reach your targeted weight, formulate a maintenance plan
– Examine stresses in your life
In Conclusion
See what all the talk is about among many people today who are becoming more fit and reaching their ideal body weight the natural way. All natural weight loss doctor Kentucky can help you realize your new you. Physically fit, strong, with less pounds to carry around.
Dr. L. Anthony Sears and Dr. Nicholas Fox is licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association to provide natural health services to individuals registered in the Member Share Network. All information on this website is intended solely for registered members of the network and for individuals interested in learning more about natural health services. If you wish to receive services, member registration is free and is available for you to complete on-line here. Note that if you have a complaint about our services or wish to check the status of our license, you should contact the Pastoral Medical Association.
About the Author: Learn how to lose your belly fat with advice and guidance from the
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