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Submitted by: Tom I Stables
Buying a car? Well, if I had one million dollars in my bank account right now doubt about it transportation and a vehicle would be right on the top of my list. I would be in the automobile marketplace pronto Johnny on the spot out prowling for the vehicle of my dreams… So, it is very advantageous to own a car that I dependable and durable. Your family can be assured of a safe travel along the highways that are oftentimes dominated by big trucks and buses. (Most accidents occurring in streets involved small cars and vehicles wherein most often the riders are fatally affected). In order that the car you wish to own is dependable (can bring you to your intended destination 24 hours a day and 7 days a week), it should have a good and durable auto gas or diesel – engine.
The engine is the very heart of your car and with this you can go to long distances with an efficient engine. If you have the cash and bank account or good credit then a new car is always best and most trouble free. Vehicles used to be fixable with backyard mechanics and solid easy to repair mechanical parts. Not so today. Most amateur mechanics can do sweet little to repair or even diagnose the sophisticated electronics found on most vehicles on the road. Its not like the old days with points, distributors and rotors. Everything is sophisticated electronics in a box. Specialized dealers only diagnostic equipment is often necessary to do the job. Electronic parts once purchased and taken out of the electrostatic bags are not returnable to the parts store or dealer. You cannot blame them. On top of that the clearances under the hood are minimal with front wheel drive vehicles and energy saving weight constraints employed in new vehicles. Its not like the old 1960s Chevrolet where you had tons of open space on either side or top of the engine to work with. Space is cramped and limited. Its hard for mechanics to work on cars today. Everything is a struggle and once the body is opened often experienced mechanics will find other details to work on since everything is now open and it would cost a large amount to go back in and replace that other (expensive) part or auto component. With a new car you have breathing room of no or few expensive repairs. On top of that most of the these repairs on a new vehicle should be under warranty with no charges or cost to you. With a brand new car, you can free your self from unnecessary worry that usually happened to most second-hand cars, which at anytime, can encounter engine trouble while in the middle of a long journey. The car, especially pertaining to its body components and under chassis should be well set up. The car may last for at least 5 years without burdening you of spending extra amount for the repair and/or replacement of the under chassis and/or the cars body due to rust.
A diesel-operated vehicle or a gasoline operated vehicle can be a hard choice to make. You just have to weigh the cost of fuel in todays market for you to make a good choice. Petroleum products are a high price commodity today in the market due to high demand and importation charges. A diesel engine can travel for a long distance with less cost of gas while a gasoline driven vehicle can run also for a long distance but fuel costs are higher.
All in all its a good idea to consider a new rather than a new vehicle or truck in todays high labor rate repair marketplace. On top of that you get transportation reliability. True with a used vehicle someone else has taken the write down and depreciation. Yet with a new vehicle you will get a longer time span before major repairs. You will now the full repair history and how the vehicle was treated and driven from new. This is not the case with a pre owned or one year old fleet (u-drive enterprise) vehicle or vehicles. On top of that many dealers will offer you convenient low payment credit terms with small payments. Its a buyers market out there on car lots. Consider all of these points before making your auto purchase decision and signing on the bottom line.
About the Author: Tom I Stables Eagle Ridge GM
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